Journal of the H.G. Wells Society, the Americas (2002 – 2005)
Vols. 1 – 4
Back issues of the journal are available, $7.00 (including postage in the USA and possessions, Canada and Mexico) $10.00 for the rest of the world. Back issues of society newsletters are still available for $4.00 per issue (includes postage in USA, add $2.00 rest of world). Indexed after journal entries below.
Paypal accepted, email Charles Keller for details.
No. 1, 2002 (Editor, Eric Cash. Review Board: Robert Philmus, David C. Smith, W. Warren Wagar)
Mark D. Chilton, ‘”A Very Curious Dream”: Toward a Visionary Poetics in The Wonderful Visit,’ pp. 3-28.
Robert Shelton, ‘Locating The Time Machine within (and beyond) the Bergonzi/Wagar Debate,’ pp. 29-42.
Steven McLean, ‘Animals, Language and Degeneration in H.G. Wells’s The Island of Dr. Moreau,’ pp. 43-50.
Justin E. A. Busch, ‘Utopia and Death: An Essay in Meaning,’ pp. 51-64.
Arwen Spicer, ‘An Ecological Ideology: The Specter of Ecological Discourse in The Food of the Gods,’ pp. 65-75.
No. 2, 2003 (Editor, Eric Cash. Review Board: Andrea Lynn, Robert Philmus, David C. Smith, W. Warren Wagar)
Yorimitsu Hashimoto, ‘Victorian Biological Terror: A Study of “The Stolen Bacillus,”‘ pp. 3-27.
Craig A. Hamilton, ‘The World Was a Confusion”: Imagining Hybrids of H.G. Wells’s The Island of Dr. Moreau,’ pp. 28-36.
Keith Williams, ‘The Disappearance of the Subject: Wells, Whale and The Invisible Man,’ pp. 37-64.
John S. Partington, ‘Seeking Victory from the Jaws of Disaster: H.G. Wells and the Great War,’ pp. 65-80.
No. 3, 2004 (Editor, Eric Cash. Review Board: Andrea Lynn, Robert Philmus, David C. Smith, W. Warren Wagar)
Mark Chilton, ‘”A Change in Scale”: Darwin, Huxley, Spencer and the Evolution of an Idea in The Food of the Gods,’ pp. 2-28.
Brad Buchanan, ‘”These Inhuman Sons of Men”: Oedipus, Humanism and Hybridity in H.G. Wells’s The Time Machine,’ pp. 29-52.
W.M.S. Russell, ‘Sidelights on H.G. Wells,’ pp. 53-63.
George Zebrowski, ‘Looking Back on The Island of Dr. Moreau,’ pp. 64-68.
No. 4, 2005 (Editor, Eric Cash. Review Board: Andrea Lynn, Robert Philmus, David C. Smith, W. Warren Wagar)
Lecia Rosenthal, ‘Inhuman Futures: H.G. Wells and the Inventions of Prophecy,’ pp. 3-30.
John S. Partington, ‘Revising “Anticipations”: Wells on Race and Class, 1901 to 1905,’ pp. 31-44.
Károly Pintér, ‘Narrative Estrangement as Method and Strategy in Wells’s “A Modern Utopia,”‘ pp. 45-69.
George Zebrowski, ‘Looking Back on “The Time Machine,”‘ pp. 70-74.
Back issues of society newsletters:
Vol. 1, no. 1 (Winter/Spring 2002)
Vol. 1, no. 2 (Summer/Autumn 2002) Sold Out
Vol. 1, no. 3 (Winter/Spring 2003)
Vol. 1, no. 4 (Summer/Autumn 2003)
Vol. 1, no. 5 (Winter/Spring 2004)
Vol. 1, no. 6 (Summer/Autumn 2004)