
H. G. Wells Society Newsletter

ISSN 2059-6391

Editor: Eric Jukes


The Newsletter is the official biannual small-format publication of the H.G. Wells Society. Established in 1975, it has been publishing news items, short articles, opinion pieces, book reviews, interviews, recollections, and correspondence.

The Editor welcomes contributions on all aspects of Wells’s life, work, and legacy, and particularly encourages contributions from new or recently-joined society members. Short articles for consideration, as well as comments, queries and observations, are welcome via post in the first instance if you do not have access to e-mail. However, in order to produce the Newsletter electronically it is important that submissions, if accepted, are word processed and emailed in MS Word. Short articles are peer-reviewed.

The Newsletter is normally published in early April and early October. Submissions are welcome throughout the year.